Trash and Trash in the Making
First off, I drive a piece of shit 89 Volkswagon Fox. I choose to drive this piece of crap to and from work only. My work is in Campbell, and I live in Los Gatos (I rent) So my drive is about 8 minutes. When I get home and on the weekends I drive a 1998 Dodge. Since I live in Los Gatos and out of respect for my neighbors and other home owners I park the car in back behind the building. That way I don't start bringing the property value of the houses around down. Besides who wants to look out the window and see an eye sore. Not me. Before moving to Los Gatos my wife and I lived off of San Carlos in an area termed BLIGHTED by the city of San Jose. We moved in in about 94/95 right before the dot com boom. It was supposed to be our start out place and in a year we were going to move to Campbell. Well the next year rents started to sky rocket thanks to the in flux of dot comers!!!! So for six years we lived in the not so safe area of San Jose. We had our own local crack handy man and a taxi driver who was shot in the head not more than 50 feet from our apartment. My point being, I know trash when I see it, I know trash because I lived it, I know trash because I escaped it. And because of all that I wish to put no one though it by anything I do. I.E like parking my shitty ass car in the clean streets of Los Gatos. I could do without the looks. My neighbor on the other hand is a whole different story.
I don't want to say her real name, so I will give her a made up name. I'll just call her "Trash", and her daughter...."Trash In the Making" Trash's background is something like this, she's a single mom who has a boyfriend or should I say the boyfriend has a booty call on Friday nights. That's right I'm calling her a whore. I only see this boyfriend maybe once a week. I figure he must have a wife, because he doesn't stay long and he's out of Trash's house before sunrise. I believe he's up to no good. Trash suffers from low self-esteem, always playing the victim. The whole, I parked my car on the lawn to wash it and then left the emergency brake on and which left a hole the size of a crater in the grass sorry bit. (She did this twice)
Then there was the air mattress incident, in
which she asked to borrow our camping air mattress in November for her mom to
sleep on. I gave her the mattress and the air pump and within an hour I
get a call from her saying that the air pump doesn't work. I go over and
explain to her that the pump needs to be turned on. So being the type of
guy I am I inflate the bed, and no sooner is the bed inflated when 10 year old
"Trash in the Making" runs full speed into the bedroom and performs a five foot
high jump landing squarely on her back onto the air bed. Trash and Trash's Mother look at me to
see what I'm going to do. I'm thinking, I should grab the air mattress and
get the fuck out!! But Trash gives Trash in the Making a verbal yelling
and the 10 year old leaves the room crying. I finish up and leave the
place. One week later I ask for, and get back the air mattress. Two and a
half weeks later she calls me again and asks if she could borrow the mattress!!
Seems that her mom is coming back into town for Christmas. Like a fool I
give her a second chance!! I give her the air bed. An hour later my
wife and I get the call. It seems that the air bed now has a hole!!!
And she wants to know if we have another one!!! My wife gives her a verbal
beat down over the phone saying that the mattress didn't have a hole in it
before and that we do not have a second one to loan out. Trash says she's
sorry and will replace it after Christmas. It's now February and I
have yet to see the replacement. Trash now avoids my wife and I like the plague.
Except when it comes to the eye sore. Here is what I see from my office
Now, you may think to yourself that the car doesn't look so bad. Well it does, I just happen to have a cheap ass $50 digital camera. I have taken the liberty to take a few more pictures. Notice how she parks the car on the dam sidewalk. No rims, trunk does not close, dents and scrapes marks down the left. She has a piece of twine tied to the right back door that was used to tie down her Christmas tree. On the front window there is some sort of writing. (looks to be some sort of towing company marking) The following pictures show this.
Trash does have a parking space in the back and she used to park back there. Then we started to notice that she was parking in front. Then low and behold we get the call. "I lost my garage door remote, so I'm not going to park in the back anymore. Tell your wife she is more than welcome to have my parking space" WTF If you lost your remote then call the land lord and/or buy a new one. You see, what she used to do was park in the back and enter thru her garage. Now with the remote missing she's either too dam scared or too dam lazy to walk the extra 20 feet to the front door. It's not like it's pitch black back there. There are porch lights and street lights back there that light up the area pretty well, even more so than the street lights in the court.
As you can see I'm not a big fan of Trash. I used to even like her. Then today she really pissed me off. My wife and I went to the store and when we got back Trash had moved her car in front of the place!! Why god damit, Why!!!! It's Saturday afternoon and I know she's not going to move it until Monday morning.
I hate Trash.......