Hey, don't pay for that!!


Downloading for dummies


    Had a friend stop by my crib/shack/office/den/loom or whatever name you want to call it, you speed freaks.  And I showed him some anti government/911 conspiracy documentaries films that I downloaded from the internet.  He wanted to know where I got them, and I told him the internet.

    Now you can't just go to some website and just download them, although I'm sure if you spend a lot of time searching you may find something.  It's not that easy.  So here's the recipe for downloading hacks, crackz, and warez.  Understand that downloading copyrighted material is wrong and illegal.  I also understand that you don't really want the government having a paper trail to your house when you just want to do some research on conspiracy yahoos. 


My Downloading Recipe

1. A computer with dsl/cable access 

2. A program called Bit Tornado you can find this at http://www.bittornado.com

3. Website called http://www.suprnova.org/


Download and Install Bit Tornado onto your computer, follow the on screen instructions for installing.  Now open you web browser and go to www.suprnova.org.   Click on what you need.  The Bit Tornado program should open by itself and you will be able to see your progress.  Depending on the size of the file it could take many hours and maybe even days to download.  Don't worry.  I start most of my downloads at night before I go to bed.  Then pause the downloads if I decide to play any type of online game.  I resume the downloads when I'm done playing those games.

Be aware the system works like this, when your downloading you're also uploading, much like kazaa, so it does taxi your bandwidth quite alot.  So if your running any type of application that takes a lot of internet bandwidth pause all downloads.