Been watching some DVD documentaries on SWAT lately. And it seems that every city has some sort of SWAT team. And when they interview each group they all say they are the best at what they do. Hold on, WTF. How can that be? When you go to school there's always someone who graduates at the top their class and someone who graduates at the bottom. So if you compare being on SWAT as being on lets say a pro football team then some small city/town has the not so best sniper working for them. Lets face it, if you have the top skills then the one that offers you the most money gets you. For example The New York Yankees just buys all the best players in the league. Now if you're working on a SWAT team and lets say you are working in a small city some place USA and L.A. SWAT comes to you with a shit load of cash, you would be an idiot not to take it. It's the same job for three times the pay. Which now leaves an open position in your team. And since it's a small town, they get stuck with the not so great sniper that graduated in the lower part of sniper school. Doesn't mean they suck, just means that they aren't top dog.
So what's the big deal you say, even ball players need to start small. Yes, your right. However, if I was an innocent civilian that was a victim in a bank robbery in the middle Hazard Kentucky, and the bank robber was coming out of the bank using me as a shield. I would be thinking about "..how good is that sniper on top of the building across the street, and if he was that good why is he working in Hazard Kentucky." And if the sniper did take off my head in the process, would his supervisors say to him that it's a learning curve and in time he'll get better with more training. And would he or she go home and just say to himself or herself "It's just part of the job, it happens"
my point.....don't be at the wrong place at the wrong time in the middle of nowhere.