Look over your shoulder,

yet another crazy, kooky, loon neighbor I now call Row-Ton


    I have a single car driveway, that can park 5 cars, but only single file.  So on some mornings I back up into the street to let my wife out.

    Today while I was backing out, fat ass, missing teeth, long greasy hair, no taking care of her yard woman was waiting for me on the sidewalk.  I was backing up less than 5 miles per hour and as I stopped near the sidewalk, gossip trash lady tells me to look over my shoulder.  Like I was some sort of 16 year old who just got his license.  My reply was something like this, "You snuck up on me like a cat" which is no way correct.  You would have to be Helen Keller to miss her.  But even Helen Keller could probably smell this no bath taking, wearing the same dark blue cotton sweat outfit everyday monster.  Her reply was "Look over your shoulder" with nothing less than seriousness.

    What the fuck is she? Not only is she the Gossip Monger of the neighborhood who can't mind her own business, but she's some sort of Nazi.  Where the fuck was she the other week when a domestic beat down of a child happened across the street from her ghetto looking house?  Why was it that my wife and I had to get involved and had the police called out.  Where was Nazi Lady then?  Probably cowering in the corner of her house with her 5 cats.  All who have names of deserts I might add.

    Row-Ton will be her name.  She begs to be on my web pages.  She needs it.  She wants it.  I will no longer speak to her.  But only judge her from a distance.  I will make up stories about her as she walks by.  I will give you, my reading audience a first hand account of any suspicious shenanigans I believe she's up to.