Do you're job, case in point.... not Columbine



    Now, I know I'm not going to make any friends with about what I'm going to say but fuck it, it needs to be said.  It's been festering in me since it happen.  You know that dark day in April a few years back, when Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris walked into a school and added yet another dark day in human history.  When It happened I already had my own personal spin on it.  And yet when I tried to convinced my friends of what I thought the truth was they thought I was wrong and flat out disagreed with my position.   So I had to wait,  I couldn't recall and was too dam lazy to look up simple facts to prove my case. So I waited and kept arguing.  And then it came, a even darker day in September when two hijacked airplanes loaded with homicide killers crashed into two buildings in New York and left 3000 or so dead. 

    What was my simple insight about Columbine.  If the 100 or so police surrounding the school did their job, the body count inside the school would have been less.  Here's the situation, you know their are two or three or even more possible gunmen in the school shooting up the place.  How do the police know this.......they can identify popping noise inside the school that sound like.....i don't know, gun shots?  But how Gierk!! How do they know for a fact the intruders have guns!!!  If the cops missed the dead bodies of students lying outside for all to see then they know because a cop that works for the school told them!!  Turns out he was in the shoot out with them before the two entered the school, not only did he have a shoot out with them, but they pinned him down by his car.  Did I also mention that he was the one that called the cops in.   This is why there are 100 or so cops outside the school.

     Next, why didn't they go in?  I'm talking a full on charge.  Send 80 in, leave 20 outside  surrounding the place, with the news copter outside, no one is going anywhere.  Please don't give me that crap about how the police needed to secure the situation.  BULLSHIT that situation outside the dam school is secure enough.  That is a fact!!  Maybe one of the shooters had changed and may be trying to blend into the crowd, but even if that is true, that is nothing to worry about.  Why, because he's blending in because he is done.  If he wasn't he would be inside the school with the dam gunshots you hear going off.  Lets take it one more step with this whole blend into the crowd issue.  If his point is to shoot some cops then let him try.  Because the second he pulls out his gun no matter what it is i.e 9mm AK47 there are cops everywhere with guns drawn.  Maybe one cop gets shot, but hey they have on bullet proof vests (especially in this situation) then boom the cops drop him like a bag of potatoes.  I do not accept that whole blend into the crowd excuse, it holds no water compared to the noise that you do hear from inside the school.

    They don't know how many shooters their are?  Doesn't matter.  The school may be booby trapped!!  Still doesn't matter. Sounds like they don't have any information about the situation inside.  Gee really,  how could they!!!  I guess, the best thing to do is to keep hearing the gun shots go off until you hear from the killers.  They are killers remember, look down, see dead bodies, good cop, have another jelly while Tha Gierk kicks it down.  If the gunmen aren't killing anyone then you have nothing to worry about.  They will see 100 cops running in with all kinds of weapons and will then drop theirs and surrender.  Again, I cry bullshit, bullshit, bullshit!!  They won't I know it and you know it!!!  They will engage you, and you will return fire.  And remember you have no info about the situation inside.  The only fact you have is this......shooters are inside the school.  But thank god for my high school experience.  The whole time I went to high school, not one day did I ever, and I mean ever wear a bullet proof vest.  Here's the second fact, the innocent kids that are getting shot aren't wearing protective clothing.  The few that are left don't stand a god dam chance and that is a fact.  One lady talked about her daughter calling her from the library and 15 minutes later the phone went quiet after a popping sound is heard.  You have vest, innocent student does not, you choose a career to PROTECT and serve, student did not.  You have a gun to return fire, innocent student does not.  Unless you think there are 100 gunmen in the school that out number you then you are a complete bone head and should be fired.  I never heard of 100 or more gunmen in a terrorist attack at a school.  What would 100 terrorists want with a school called Columbine.  Fuck it,  it's either a few students or a crazy fuck.  Either way you have the upper hand by charging in.  Upper hand only meaning that you, the cops, have the upper hand over the students whose only only chance for survival is you.  And you're too dam busy sitting in the parking lot listening to the gun shots as if they were fireworks.

    Cops have to accept that dealing with dangerous people is part of their job.  And for the most part I feel, they do accept this.  Just watch a chase scene on a episode of cops.  But sometimes extremes situations take extreme action.  The cops should be trained to learn how to bust into a building with gunfire.  Our military has done it over and over.  You want to think there is a difference but there is not. Not in this day in age.  I feel that you must have combat experience to be a cop.  They can't sit outside a building while innocent people are being shot.  Danger is their fucking job.  Don't like it, then find something different.  Maybe there should be a new law that states that you have to turn in your badge when you get married or have children. Maybe my view point is a little off. 

    Maybe it's not the cops that fucked up, perhaps it was S.W.A.T.  Special Weapons And Tactics for those who don't know.    They were the ones that went into the school.  There were 50 that did enter but they walked gingerly down the hall ways. What the Fuck!!  This isn't no sniper situation.  Don't these guys train for this type of urban terror?  I guess not.  Expect the unexpected I say.  I'm sure someone in the department brought this type of scenario up.  And I'm sure 20 fellow cops shot this person down. (no pun intended)  I'm sure there was one moron who said that it would never happen.  And I'm sure the person who brought it up, tried to argue his or her case, but that one moron in the group kept screaming back, it's never going to happen.  Anyone who has been in any type of workgroup situation has seen this type of argument unfold.  How do I come to such a point.  Well for one, S.W.A.T teams are being retrained for this type of situation.

     Now how does all this relate to 9/11 Easy, the fire fighters and the New York police running into the World Trade Center had only two objectives.  Save people and put out the fire.  Surely some knew they might not be coming out.  They were scared just like the cops at Columbine, but the fire fighters and the cops had a loyalty to their jobs that the cops at Columbine did not.  They too had families. But they still went in.  So the next time some bonehead brings up that it wasn't the cops job to go inside at Columbine, tell them yes it was.  They are there to protect and serve the innocent no matter what!! They don't like that, then too bad go find another career. 

..........I blame the guys on top for the Columbine Massacre.  If you're a street cop, or a member of  S.W.A.T  you don't do shit without orders from above.  But this I do know, how many of those cops on scene are going to thier graves with the guilt that they could have saved lives that day.  Again, if you don't feel the guilt, get another job.  I always feel bad when I can't fix a computer or a printer, why because it's my job to fix machines.  Your job is to protect and serve.  Not to serve and observe a mass murder.  With that attitude you're no better than a Nazi Guard working the front gate at Auschwitz.  On a political correctness level I understand your sitution, on a humanity level I do not.  If you and I few of your cop buddies would have gone into the school and saved some lives, you would have lost your jobs for sure.  However there is not one parent at Columbine that would been against you and no jury to convict you for any life saving actions that you may have taken that day.