Pimping Christy Cross


Because I can.


    I have a name for my Ebay steal from your mother coworker.  He shall be ever known as Christy Cross.  I wanted to call him my top 40 whore, but Christy Cross is just fine.  WestCoastKaLisCL without the L  is his AIM screen name. So feel free to talk to him.  Just pose as a hot chick and make him talk dirty.  Then email me back with the transcription and I'll post it.  As his pimp I demand such things.  That's right, ThaGierk is into the pimping business.  Since I would never degrade such an act upon a female, I have no choice but to pimp this fool.  He's my bitch. 

    Why pimp this bitch out?  Because I caught him!!  I caught him wearing his clothes on backwards.  He came to the office wearing the proper attire, but sure enough after he left, he put his pants on backwards.  He wasn't going home either!!  He was on his way to talk to a customer.  Now I've seen this high heel hooker do strange things before, like wearing his sunglasses in the middle of  his forehead while talking to a customer,  but wearing his pants on backwards is just lame.   Even by ThaGierks standards.  This semen garbage pail has gone off his rocker.   He's asking to be pimped out.   Here's what I'm asking.

For .50 cents I will ask him any lame question of your choosing.

For $1 dollar you get a picture of my whore.

For $2 A Photoshop picture of him taking one in the ass.

For $3 His private email address.

For $$$ I take special requests.

.............."I'm just saying, he's my bitch."