Now it's my turn to call you out!!

Your better than thou Ass Holes!!


    Steve Cole, Kevin Kerns, Shana from that law office are just a few specifc names I know off hand who have verbely slapped me with, "I own my house, you rent, you're thowing away your money every month."  Like I don't know that you fuckin ass clowns.  You only say that because it makes you feel superior to people who rent.  Or why else say it?  My dad has never pulled me a side and said that moranic crap..  Not only does he have a house he bought for 70,000 which is now worth 450,000  he's not an asshole about it and has never lectured me about such things.  Am I suppose to believe that you have some kind of inside information that only an owner of a house knows? Give me a fuckin break.