The Hunt 3
In 3-D
Ok, maybe not in 3-D. However you will see the kill unfold. Warning, Adult Material on the video, viewer beware. Today was the final story in this three part trilogy. The first hunt yielded no pictures just plain text, in The Hunt 2 you saw the pictures of the carnage, this time you will see the behind the scenes as well as the kill unfold right before your eyes.
Today I got up thinking about how I would hunt the second of the two field mice. I already took down one of them last Friday, now it was time to finish what I started. But even worse how could I make it better on my web page. What could I show you the viewer that you haven't already seen. What kind of climax could I put in the third act!!! I had it!! I would use a video camera two fold. By setting an old VHS camera on a tripod on top of a picnic table, running the video out cable around the back and thru a window and then attaching it to the front of my VCR I could monitor the backyard from my lazy boy chair. When I saw a mouse go for the bait I would then hit record on the VCR grab the pellet gun sneak out the back door and shoot it. My setup worked great, except that the camera would keep turning off. But I discovered if I left the cassette compartment open the camera would stay on. Problem solved. I even put up some shade to cover the camera. I laid down some bird seed for bait. I needed to control the kill in every aspect.
Eye in the sky
from my Lazy Boy chair, awe the comf.
I sat down and started watching some TiVo programs, Buck Rogers in the 25th Century was the choice. As I switched to the VCR front input I saw the rodent. Just sitting there eating the bird seed. I pointed the gun at the screen trying to numb myself to the mayhem that was going to unfold. I wanted it to go down without a lot of pain. So I aimed at the head. I gave it a few more seconds to let it chew down some of its last meal. I got up, crept thru the kitchen and slowly opened the back door. The sound of the door scared it off, but I knew it was only going to be for a minute. I took aim and waited. It jumped out of the shrubs and onto a plank of wood, inches in front of the bird seed. I squeezed the trigger, and pop it went down. The body was twitching, flopping all around. Blood from the head wound was spraying all over the 4x4 post. I then went inside, stopped the VCR and grabbed another sandwich body bag. I went back outside and took a closer look. The pellet had gone thru the head and out the other side. I picked up the body, went upstairs and tossed the dead animal at the snake. Which it was happy to eat. Hunting season is now over. Unless the offspring come back and murder me for revenge.
...........Hunting makes me a man