Now that's a
GAME, a mission next to impossible!!!
Aw, yes I couldn't go on to long without support for my 2600 days. I was about 7 or 8 when the Atari 2600 came out. And that was a prime time to be into video games. There was nothing else before it that you could compare to. Now days, you can compare your new console to the console that you had before. In 1978 unless you compared it to Odyssey Pong, there was no comparison. (Don't be an ahole and start comparing it to the Arcade Games because you will be missing the point. The majority of middle class kids couldn't buy no 3000 dollar Donkey Kong arcade game.) Within a year or two of the Atari 2600 Colecovision came out with a far better console. With that the console wars started. That lasted for a few years until video games took a bad turn and it was bad business to be involved with home console video games. Then Nintendo reached down and pulled out the NES and ever since then the video game market has never looked back. Today, I have a Playstation 2, but before that I had an N64 and before that the original Playstation.
Now if we want to talk about some of the best games for the 2600, best being lame by today's standards, WARLORDS, BREAKOUT, ADVENTURE, RIVER RAID, AND PITFALL. Those would be my top five if I had to play. The all time worst game ever made for the Atari 2600 would have to be PAC-MAN followed closely by E.T.
I still own a 2600 with about 30 or so games. I've taken some sort of wax product and shinned it up pretty good. So good, it looks brand new. Producer of came over with another 50 or so more games to add to the collection. (the games are on loan of course) Once every three years we have an early 80's type party. We get our collection of old 80's time magazines and lay them out, my wife puts on some ol school Wham, Police, and Culture Club. I hook up the 2600. After a few drinks you really start to feel like it was 1982. Unfortunately, after about 30 minutes every guy under the age of 35 has had with the the 2600 and start dropping bombs like "hook up the Playstation 2, so we can play Madden" when I tell them we have Atari Football instead they verbally beat my ass down. That is why we only have this type of party every 3 or more years.
.........I've blown many 2600 cartridges :-)