Chuck cuts deal with Rick!!!!!
Well after many moons of not hearing from Chuck Farley, he has once again
surfaced. This time thru an exclusive interview with someone close
and inside to the current deal being made. It seems that Rick
Rubin has signed a deal with Chuck to record an album.
Although the details are sketchy about how Rick plans to direct a loose
cannon like Chuck Farley, Rick feels that CF as he likes to call him has
something to offer.
On another note, Coporate Larry has finished recovering from a bb gun attack that left a nasty scare on his neck.(Although now with the help of some top corporate doctors you can't see a thing) It seems that on a camping trip last summer Larry took a bb gun shot from tha gierk while in a drunken state. Tha Gierk was sorry for the mishap, but Larry seems to think that Chuck fired a sniper shot from a tree. "I heard two shots, the first one came from the direction of tha gierk, which missed, but the second came from behind, clipping me in the neck. It happened so fast I couldn't react." Larry exclaimed.