Lexicon and THX apparently attempted to pull a fast one on the consumer electronics industry, but got caught this week when a couple websites exposed the fact that the high-end electronics company put a nearly-unmodified $500 Oppo Blu-ray player into a new Lexicon chassis and was selling it for $3500.
You lazy bastards!! You would rather act in crappy movies (yes Jemaine that movie was crap) than make a great TV show? Oh, it’s so hard to come up with ideas for a show, oh it’s so hard to write songs that are funny…. you damned lazy bastards! Hire some good people to help, get […]
Perhaps Ron Livingston can get his anonymous detractor sent to a ‘Federal Pound Me In The Ass Prison’Â 😉
How the graphics of the original Star Wars movie were done. Below, a little documentary by Larry Cuba, in which he explains how he did it way back in ’77.